All phone users are different - and they want to see different features in their phones. However, there is a de-facto "standard" set of features which every modern smartphone shall have, as avdwoude has pointet out.
I can tell what is missing from that "standard" (in addition to missing features already listed by the topic starter) IMHO:
1. Individual ringtones for contacts. It is so handy when you can see (actually, hear :-) who is calling without a need to look at the screen!
2. Displaying caller's avatar on an incoming call
3. DLNA sharing: play from and play to
4. VPN support (yes, I'm a corporate user)
In addition to "generic" smartphone features, it would be really nice to have some easy way of moving files between Android apps and native Sailfish apps. OK, you can do it already now, but not an easy way. I can do it. My Mom could not.