* Good one on access to the SD Card over USB. I added it to the list.
* Create folders/sort items such as folders. Do you consider this a feature that is necessary before you would recommend Jolla? For any discussion on the topic I refer to this question: https://together.jolla.com/question/1948/folderalbum-view-in-gallery/
* On GPS functionality: Apparently this should work in Android apps, but is sometimes flaky which might be due to the app. I am thus not sure if this is a Jolla specific issue. Please add more discussion to this question if needed: https://together.jolla.com/question/8895/bug-android-apps-not-able-to-use-gps-location/
* Not sure what you mean by "proper, functional maps app". Perhaps you could contribute to this question: https://together.jolla.com/question/6946/navigation-application-features-we-expect-from-it/